Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"I wonder what happens when we die"

I just saw a movie ad that said that. A few weeks ago it was ""If a person is evil enough can they come back from the dead?"

Is this really how people think? People are dimwits.

Another thing, I'm watching Lonestar, enjoying the show, and I find out it's been canceled after 2 episodes. I hate this, knowing that the show won't be resolved. They only filmed 5 episodes, and yeah, bam.

FOX is terrible about this.

I watched "The Event" it was really stupid. REALLY stupid.

"The Whole Truth" was good, I'll watch it if it stays on.

Chase sort of bored me halfway through.

I'm just bummed, Lonestar was a pretty good show, I wanted to see how bad things could get...

Oh well, that's what I get for trying to watch a show on FOX...

More updates later.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Suspended again?!

Ok, fuck this. I'm so sick of GameFAQ's. The Religion board is a joke. I'm not going back there. I'm not even sure I'll still have an account to go back with. I'm done, it's over. I'm not posting there anymore. I said that last time I know, but this time I mean it. I am pissed.


What got me into trouble you ask? This, which I was going to post here anyway.


Here, enjoy. The topic title was originally how to be a well loved poster, but sort of evolved.


1. Barely ever make any topics of your own


2. Don't have strong opinions either way, be as close to "True Neutral" as possible.


3. Say we can't know for sure who's right so everyone's opinions and beliefs are equally valid.


4. Mock people with strong opinions, as if having conviction instantly makes the person a fool.


5. Write long pseudo-philosophical posts that don't say much.


6. Claim to respect everyone's opinions without really expressing any of your own much.


7. Post news stories and ask for comments, without giving any yourself.



Hmm, I'll add more later, and I did delete a lot that were too specific.


But really, try it yourself. Think of all the people on this board you would consider well liked. Not that you necessarily like them yourself, but you just get the vibe that most people like them.


From what I've seen, the most well liked people never, ever attack anyone, rarely make interesting topics of their own, if they do make topics they're either dull, or links to news stories where they don't comment themselves. Being neutral doesn't necessarily mean agnostic atheist, agnostic Christians or whatever can be neutral too.


Basically, if you call people out on the foolish things they believe, like I do, you get scorn. If you play flower child hippy, you become popular and well loved.


I guess I can understand how I got the reputation I have. Attacking religion on the religious board seems like I'm just being a jerk, but in reality, I just want you guys to, stop believing in stuff on faith, that's a good first step.


Take for example the soul. There's no reason to believe a soul exists. None at all. Yet people believe. Why?


If I could figure that out... I may finally be able to sleep peacefully at night.


How can people believe this stuff? They believe Jesus healed by touch. They KNOW no one can do that. Faith healers are ALL con men, it's been documented. So are intermediary's, psychics, fortune tellers, and Ghost Hunters. People believe in mystical healing energy. They pay LARGE amounts of money to lay on a table listening to Enya, and having pretty crystals waved all around them. That makes them feel better. But they're still sick. Their belief that the crystals helped them isn't valid. and I can't have respect for people that believe things like that. When I'm talking to a girl, and for example, she tells me she's a wicca and she believes in astrology, I die a little inside. People really believe the way the planets and stars were aligned when you were born affects things.


People believe, for some reason, in reincarnation. It's an interesting idea, I'll admit. But, we're still hung up on the soul thing. Everything we know tells us when the brain dies, that's IT. We scan the brain, get people angry and we can see anger nodes light up, make them look at someone they love, love nodes light up. Sociopaths have something wrong with their brains, they aren't possessed by demons. We have no reason to believe demons even exist, do we?


And when I ask for proof, you... jokers, you clowns, you hilarious folks... you tell me to prove souls don't exist. You say "you say souls don't exist, prove it!" Like you're some genius. You can't DISPROVE something that doesn't exist, and you don't HAVE to. Well, you shouldn't. The fact that people believe in things with no proof, it mucks up the science. You guys jump right past all your stuff, you jump past the testing and evidence and the double blind studies, to belief. I can't tell you how little I think of people that do that. I can't respect you. I can't act like you're smart when you show no signs of intelligences. You don't get a free pass just for being a human in the modern age, and knowing a few things other people figured out using processes you ignore.


Listen. I know. You hear god talk to you. You see signs of his existence everywhere. You think I'm just stubbornly denying his obvious existence, or maybe I'm blinded from the truth by Satan's forces. Hell I don't know what you think of me honestly.


The only real critique I get, is that my writing style is not acceptable, I spell words wrong from time to time, and I'm harsh, or just really aggressive. I've been called an angstheist, although thankfully not lately as that's one of the most annoying insults for some reason.

And yeah, I am wound up tight about this stuff. For some reason I have a strong urge to bring people into the real world. Maybe it's self-preservation. Being around delusional people is scary. Just sit next to a homeless guy on the bus, who barks and yells at no one, swatting at the air furiously.

The rules here are something I will never grow to just accept, they aren't fair, everyone knows it now. I'm not in the mood to reiterate that.

So why do people laugh at me? Because I say things people disagree with? Because I say it "wrong"?

I say there's no soul, people demand I prove it, I say there's no evidence that one exists, and I'm told that's not good enough. You guys, and I know I'm generalizing, but that's ridiculous. Pointing out there's no supporting evidence to a claim you guys "have faith in" IS enough.

Then things get mucked up in probability. Or people will say "Well people theorized about atoms before we could see them…". Whatever it takes to justify your irrational beliefs. I never thought I could see so much frigging back bending, you guys are masters I'll give you that, NOTHING, and I mean nothing I can ever say will make you guys resort to using logic and common sense. You do everything you can to avoid actually answering questions. The most popular is shifting the burden of proof. You think "Well I can't prove there's a soul, but HA! He's saying there isn't one, that's an assertive claim, he just grabbed the burden of proof!"

No. just no. All I'm doing is pointing out that you never had a right to make the claim in the first place. But the claims were grandfathered in.

We have sort of a weird take on knowledge. We value the knowledge of our father more than that of our brother. And Grand Fathers and Grand Mothers are thought to be wiser still. And if you're lucky enough to have a Great Grandfather or Great Grandmother, well we value their insight most of all. So I guess we just consider that pattern back, thinking every previous generation gets progressively smarter.

Think of how much admiration and respect is put on the American forefathers for example, then back much farther to the Greek philosophers, they're thought to be the smartest people EVER. So we mistakenly think that you can find answers in what the people of the past believed.

You can even think that if you go back far enough you'll find people who were around at the very beginning, , but that isn't true. People weren't around when the earth formed. The people of the past looked to the past for wisdom too. Only, now we know that, they were wrong about a LOT of things.

And we can't let go of their mistakes. We hold onto their crazy guesses with our very lives. People made up the soul. People made up god. People made up devils and angels. People made up EVERYTHING.

Why is that so hard for you people to accept? You know how good our imaginations are! Look how many fantasy worlds and creatures we've created for Elune's sake!

Self-preservation is one of our strongest drives. We do not want to die. Our entire lives are pretty much "I don't want to die, I don't want my genetics to die". Food, house, money, all survival stuff, and our obsession with romance is to keep the family line going. We want to live. So the idea of us just dying someday, it kills is. We don't want that. We are all going to get sick, or injured and die. Someday our heart will stop beating. Electricity will stop fuzzing around in our heads, and that's it. There's no reason to believe your ghost will continue on without the body, and you'll still be you.

That's stupid. Do you have any clue how stupid that is? That's not the end of it though, people REALLY put wishful thinking, wish fulfillment into full blast. What if you got brain damaged a week before you died. Would you be brain damaged in the afterlife? What if you went blind 5 years before you died? Lost some limbs?

Yeah, yay for you, you get to be in your best possible condition! Sucks to be you if you were always fat and born blind. But not everyone believes that. That's the funny thing about belief, there can only be one truth, and everyone thinks THEY have it. In any other situation, you could just figure out the answer. But here, people make stuff up and believe it, then teach it to their kids and tell them they must believe or their soul will regret it. People don't even stop to think "I have a soul?" or "There's a place we can't get to that we go when we die?"

Maybe people do think that, but not for long. They're told doubts are bad, have more faith, faith is good, faith is good, have more faith, faith is good, faith is good, have more faith, faith is good, faith is good.

Have more faith, faith is good, faith is good. Don't question things, the Pope in infallible, Denying God's Existence is an unpardonable sin, don't even THINK of doing that. Because really, there's no reason to believe, so we have to make you afraid of the punishment you get for not believing. That's why this all revolves around belief, it's the ONE thing they need to keep you roped in.

They have to get you to believe without questioning WHY you believe.

Seriously, think, WHY do you believe a soul exists? Because someone you trust told you it does? And a book you trust told them, and you that it does?

What do you believe, and why?

Do you have actual evidence? Do you even care that you don't? You know damn well it's impossible to disprove things that don't exist, and you use that to convince yourself your beliefs are just as valid as those that don't believe. They aren't. At all.

Not only do we have NO REASONS to believe in the soul, but we have many not to. But I'm going in a loop. I just have to reiterate this because, maybe this time it will stick.

Extraordinary claims and beliefs, require extraordinary evidence. Not NONE. You can't just pile on more faith to get over the lack of actual reasons to believe. Hell, some people claim to believe things 100% on faith, and are PROUD of that! I would be humiliated if I believed something I didn't have one actual reason to believe.

I believe in god because the bible says so, and you have to believe everything in the bible because god wrote it. How do I know god wrote the bible? The bible says so! Why do I believe the bible? Because it's the word of God! How do I know it's the word of God? The bible says so! And that's good enough for me, because who am I to question god, or god's word.

I know, I know, no one HERE has to resort to circular reasoning. Everyone here believes for good valid reasons. Just like all the people that deconverted did before they realized, they didn't. They realized they didn't have actual reasons. They realize the stories make no sense. They realize there's no evidence. No actual reason to believe.

So maybe someday you'll look back on the way you think now, and see yourself from my point of view. Someday you'll see that you believed nonsense for no reason. You'll see why people call faith a virus, the worst thing that can ever infect your mind.

I take no pleasure in knowing there's no afterlife, but I do take great comfort in knowing there's know hell. I know there's no hell like I know there's no Xenomorph in my closet dripping acid on the floor. I know that I will never solve a puzzle box and go to Cenobite land. I know I'll never rub a lamp and find a genie. I know there are no jewels I can attach to a sword to "power it up". I know no one will ever shoot fire from their eyes. I know these things will never happen. Hell doesn't get a free pass. Nothing does. I know there's no soul because there's no reason to believe there is one.

And yes, culture. I know. Heart and soul. Soul mates. Tainted Soul. Favored Soul. Old Soul, Corrupt Soul, Divine Soul. I know I know. That doesn't mean it actually exists. It just means you're influences by hearing positive reinforcement every day of your life.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired. I'm going to bed.

Forgive any errors, I'm too tired to proofread this.

Oh and yeah, this topic sort of evolved, I would go back and fix the beginning, but I'm too tired, I barely made it to the end.


So yeah, that got me suspended. I don't care anymore. Seriously, I don't. I have the blog now, I'll write here. I don't have any readers yet, but I'll get some.

My account will likely be suspended for at least a month, if not longer. So I'll have a lot of free time to post here. I've got a lot of work to do on this place anyway.

So yeah, wanted to post this. I feel better. I'm still annoyed. For so many reasons, but, I'll be ok. I just won't ever post there again. Maybe I'll link to here, but I don't even know.

All my late night long winded rants will be here from now on. But hey, I went out with a bang. And well, maybe I'll get my account back some day. When you're suspended, they don't tell you for how long right away, they have to review things.

I'll keep you all updated.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ok, now I’m pissed

Forgive this posts rushed nature I want to get this out before I calm down.

On a message board I frequent (But am strongly considering abandoning) I just saw a topic that seriously pissed me off. It said:

There's a special place in hell for Christoher Hitchens when he gets there
I have no problem with people being atheist, but this guy is a grade A d-bag.
Silver Screemer: (me)
Wow, this topic is...
Ok so we're allowed to say:
Hell exists.
And a popular author is going there.
But we're not allowed to say there is no hell and you're a horrible person for taking joy in what you perceive to be someones eternal damnation?
I have a problem with you TC. This topic is abysmal on so many levels, and you don't even see it.
You're not going to an afterlife when you die, you'll rot in the ground, just like all the people you hate so much. That's reality. Deal with it.
If you get to declare that people you don't like are going to suffer for all time, and beyond, in an especially vile part of hell just for him, surely I can tell you what's actually going to happen to you when you die, right?
Heh, sorry your post just rubbed me the wrong way.

I don't have a great love for Hitchens, I just know that you probably feel the same about me than you do about him. (And if you didn't before you do now I'm sure)

Yeah I know I probably broke the rules for saying there's no hell but fuck it. That post seriously annoyed me. And it's not JUST that, it's all the smug arrogance Christians, and maybe all religious people have, although some claim (and maybe actually possess) humility.

The whole "ha ha you're going to hell, my daddy's going to punish you for being different than me" mentality is fucking annoying. Worse than the "I'll pray for you" thing.

Why is it so bad? Well for starters, it takes for granted that they ARE right, it skips the debate and declares them the winners before anything is even said. Everything they believe is true, no question about it. Then, after they "established" that there is a Hell, they pass judgment on someone themselves. They then take delight in the sinners punishment.
This has ALWAYS been the point of hell. People don't talk about it much anymore, but that the "Saved" could sit in heaven and watch the damned suffer for all time, was a huge part of the appeal of heaven. People will deny this of course, but actions speak louder than words. Without even thinking Christians constantly take solace that "people will get their punishment". They would be UPSET if they found out everyone went to heaven. They refuse to accept that possibility. THEY are going to heaven, and the people different than them are going to hell. They refuse to believe people have different sexual desires than they do (Or even worse, the same, only they're pissed off they have to repress theirs). They are disgusted by people who can enjoy "secular media". People think "Look at that guy, sure he's having fun now, but I'll be rewarded for my conservative ways, and he'll be punished for his "sins".

I want to point out that sins don't exist. They're like laws, but sometimes stupid. Ok, ok, often stupid. (Often is more than sometimes right?)

Ok well I put on Nick Cave and now I'm calm. (The Boatman's Call, to be specific, just one of his amazing albums) So yeah. I just had to get this out.
I'm sure some readers will declare me hellbound. I have a lot of anger towards religion and specifically Christianity. I know being an atheist technically free's me from caring about this stuff, I know I'm above it all. But I still care about people, a lot. It's quite a dilemma.
I don't want people to be stupid and believe foolish nonsense for illogical reasons.
Ok well, this one's done.

This is the backstory. For those that care.

Basically the backstory is, I used to post on the GameFAQ's religion board. I'm not really planning on doing that much anymore, so I'll do it here. I'm not going to muck up the first post of the blog going on and on about this, but the rules for that forum aren't fair. They've admitted as much. Here's a quote from a high ranking GM:

Moderation Detail for Silver Screemer

Message detail:    

But seriously, there isn't a god. That's why you can't find him. (This is the post that got me into trouble)


Moderation Information

Deleted: 9/5/2010 2:06:07 PM

Reason: Trolling

Status: Upheld by Lead - This moderation has been upheld by a Lead Moderator as a TOS violation. You may not appeal any additional moderations until this moderation clears from the system after 30 days.

Moderation Reason - Trolling

Trolling (Inciting Flames) - Messages intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board, topic or chat room are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: provoking other users to respond with flames; provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game; making misleading topic titles; asking obviously useless questions; posting false information as fact; and using another user's quote in your signature without permission.


Dispute Messages

You said:

    What I said was 100% true, what's the problem here?

A Mod/Admin replied:

    Its your opinion but you are stating it as fact and not backing up your claims with why you think there is no god. Plus saying there is no god on such a board like that is just provoking people.

You said:

    So are people that say there defiantly IS a God, "trolling" to? I'm just curious.

A Mod/Admin replied:

    If there was an atheist board and someone went there to make posts and topics stating flat-out that there *was* a god, then that'd be considered trolling, yes. If someone on the religion board posted saying there *was* a god, or if someone there just stated that they either believed or didn't believe in a god..? That would seem fine to me - the former is in keeping with the subject of the board, the latter is personal opinion. One kind of trolling is "going against the clear nature of a board," especially when you do so by insisting that your opinion is fact, or is more valid than anyone else's opinion, and even more so when you do so repeatedly on a board, even when it's been made clear by other users that you're annoying them.

Dispute Not Allowed


Ok so as you can see, the rules aren't fair. (I'll link to another post detailing the topic later, the link will be right here, when it's done)

Just for fun, let's see what got me a 7 day suspension. Must have been really horrible right?

Moderation Detail for Silver Screemer

Message detail:

You all know I'm a skeptic, but even I can't explain this miracle. It MUST have been divine intervention. Well here's the vid:


As you can in the video see, God clearly granted this kid his Shiny Ponyta, after only 25,968 tries.


Bless his holy name, God is love!


Moderation Information

Action: 7-Day Suspension - This message was deleted from the boards, there was a 15 karma point penalty, and the user's account was suspended for 7 days.

Reason: Trolling

Status: N/A - No user-initiated action has been taken on this moderation.

Moderation Reason - Trolling

Dispute Not Allowed


Anyway, these are just two of many. I'm not getting my account banned, because some mod has a chip on his shoulder for Jesus.

First Blog post, I’ll try to start with a bang. (No not THAT bang, I’ll do that later)


Ok, so, this is my first blog post. This blog will be about a lot of stuff. Here's my backstory.
Since I'm no longer tied to the boards decree that we stay "on topic", there will be many different topics, from comic books, to movies, to video games, and all sorts of other topics. The main focus will be religion, because well, it's a big interest of mine. I'm a strong atheist, I believe there is no god. I also believe there are no:
Souls, Ghosts, Goblins, Dragons, Fairies, Demons, Angels, Afterlives, Spirits, "Energy", Chi, Auras, Karma, Fate, Luck, Destiny, Unicorns (Invisible Pink, and otherwise), Miracles, Psychics, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Rapture, Divine Healing, and I'll add to the list later if I think of anything else. I'm sure there's some pretty obvious stuff missing. And before you say it, no I'm not "closed minded", I'm open to changing my mind on an one of these things, if convincing evidence is provided. I am very proud to say I take nothing on faith. (And I will be writing about why I hate faith so much. Stay tuned for that. )
One worry I have is that I won't update frequently enough. I think if my writing is adequate, and what I say is explained in a way that makes it clear why I think what I think, and the readers are open minded, I'll get some readers. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think no one would ever want to read it. Wait... I WOULDN'T be doing this if I DIDN'T think NO ONE would ever want to read it. Yeah I think I need to get rid of that didn't. I wouldn't be doing this if I thought no one would ever read it. Yeah, perfect. As you can see I'm hesitant to press the backspace button, sometimes I think it's more amusing to just keep going and deal with your mistakes. If you guys disagree, tell me and I'll do more thorough editing.

So yeah, let's get started on the first topic, Jesus!

Jesus is a mythological figure, like Hercules or Thor, who people insist really existed. I do plan to delve into the historical stuff later, but this post is going to be about the story itself, and how ridiculously stupid it is. I'm going to talk about the birth, the death, the "sacrifice" he made, and the followers (then and now). It is my first post, so I may as well kick it off talking about (one of) the Son(s) of (one of the) God(s)! So without farther adieu, let's start this party with a bang. (No, not THAT bang, I'll do the Big Bang later)
So, the story myth of Jesus. (I'm going to sort of do the cliff notes version of this, maybe I'll expand on stuff later. Also, I'm going to do my best not to "misrepresent" the story. I won't be calling Mary a goblin queen (even though you can't PROVE she wasn't one) or anything like that, this time. I will be posting my personal spins on events of the Bible later though, starting with my famous reinterpretation of the book of Joshua in "Joshua vs. the Space Aliens".) So yeah, the story myth of Jesus is a popular tale, many little kids know all the important stuff by heart. I'm tempted to just Google "The story of Jesus" and see what it gets me… eh ok I'll do it.

The Story of Jesus . org
Welcome to the Story of Jesus
The Story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. It is the true story of Jesus' life and death, what he did and what he taught. It is a story that calls us to respond to the question, "Who is Jesus?"
This story comes from the fourth book in the New Testament, the second half of the Bible. It is traditionally called "The Gospel of John" because one of Jesus' followers named John wrote it.
You are invited to read the story for yourself.
Thank you for reading His story.

Wow the greatest story ever told eh? Better than Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin or Batman vs. the Joker? Better than Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex? Better than the Lord of the Rings or Back to the Future? (Sadly the joke deteriorates after 3 examples, I could go on for hours giving examples of stories I think are better.) So yeah, "they" call it the greatest story ever told, I dispute that claim. So this site selects one of the 4 gospels and that's that. Maybe not the greatest example, but they're first on Google.

Oh excuse me, that was just the title page, there is more here, I'll post their summary unedited:
Summary of the Story of Jesus

John was one of Jesus' best friends. Before meeting Jesus, he and his brother James worked for their father Zebedee in the fishing business.

 One day Jesus came by and called John to follow him. John left his nets and for the next three and a half years listened to all that Jesus taught.

He soon became convinced that Jesus was far more than just another man, that he was God himself. He wrote this story so that you and I would come to believe the same.
 As the story begins you will meet another John, not the author. This is John the Baptist who came to prepare the way for Jesus.

 John the disciple stayed with Jesus to the very end. When his master hung dying on the cross John was there. In that poignant moment it was John to whom Jesus assigned the care of his mother.

John lived a long and full life. Toward the end of his life he ran into trouble for preaching the message of his good friend Jesus.

 The authorities banished him to Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea, and it was there that he wrote Revelation, the last book in the New Testament.

Along with John's Gospel and his three additional letters (called Epistles), these books provide a unique insight into not only the story of Jesus but also God's eternal plan for mankind.

 Let your imagination take you back to the first century world where the man Jesus, an apparently simple Galilean carpenter, moves into the religious setting of his day, teaches the way of love, challenges the practices of the religious leaders and raises such hostility that before long he is put to death as a blasphemer and rebel.

But the story does not end there. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead.

 But let John be your narrator. He was there when it all happened and will tell you the story in his own words.

 The original story was written in the Greek language. What you are about to read is the same story, but put into contemporary English and told as a first-person account. Where John uses the pronoun "we/us/our" he is referring to himself and the other disciples.

 Before each new section there is a short introduction to the story that follows. These comments are in blue and are not part of the Bible. 
References, such as "(3:1-15)" refer to the chapter (3) and verses (1-15) of this passage in the Bible.

Ok I'm honestly starting to think I picked a target that was to easy. This particular "The story of Jesus" website, despite having the name, seems to be more about how awesome John is. Now I'm not going to invest time reading all the content of the site (although there doesn't seem to be all too much of it). They did say that the above text is "the greatest story ever told" though, so we'll go with that. I just find it hilarious that in a summary about the story of Jesus, they jump right into "John was…". Seems like they should start with "Jesus was...", but what do I know, I don't have any divine inspiration.

The summery says John was an uneducated fisherman who "left his nets" and went to follow Jesus around for 3.5 years. Then John was convinced Jesus was God, and wrote the story, to convince other's that Jesus was God. (I'm going to assume that's what happened because the quoted text says so, we have no way of knowing if John had an agenda, but the Text above suggests he did, so I'll go with that). So this says he had an agenda, to convince us Jesus was God. That means he may have embellished the events a tad. I'm sure he never downplayed Jesus' greatness. So these guys just assume everything John wrote was true "because he was there and wrote it in his own words". It's so tempting to go off on a rant about how we can't just believe things, because someone said so, especially supernatural things. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Then it goes on and on about John, man I really picked a bad source. So screw it, I'm doing this on my own. Besides, any website I pick will be under the "No true Scotsman" scrutiny situation.
So yeah, this website got me distracted from my main point, Jesus never died. I know I'm spoiling my huge twist ending right from the start, but after all the dilly-dallying, I need a hook to keep you guys reading. I'll explain what I mean in due time.

The story of Jesus starts at "creation". (I'll get into this fiasco in more detail at a later time.) What we're expected to believe is this:

God always existed, don't question that. One "day" he decided to make all of existence. He eventually made Earth and People, (along with everything else, but that's for a later time). Adam was lonely (shows God's lack of foresight) so God made Eve. Adam and Eve were told not to eat from a special tree of knowledge. A talking snake(?) then tricked Eve into eating the fruit, and she was like, "Hey not being stupid is awesome, I want Adam to be smart too!" So she ran to Adam and convinced her to eat. He ate and then God found out and was pissed. I really want to get side tracked and go on about how stupid this is, but this is about Jesus. I promise I'll do it soon.

We'll now fast forward a bit. God is angry Adam and Eve ate the fruit, either literally or metaphorically. (And if it WAS metaphorical I'm curious as to what actually happened.) He demands blood sacrifice and makes a lot of evil rules. Demands his followers march around killing, raping, and pillaging. (I'll get to it I swear). God sends down fireballs, turns a woman to salt, kills countless babies, enhances a horn to destroy a city with sound waves, and Floods the entire planet, killing everything. Fast forward to Mary and Joseph.
Mary is a virgin, at least that's the translation we're told is accurate. We really have no way of knowing if she had sex. We have to just take the stories word for it, for the story to continue we have to say she was one. The first thing we have to take on "faith". So Mary and Joseph were told to travel to Bethlehem, for a census. (Ok that's plausible at least, although I've heard it argued that that never happened. I'm not getting into the historical stuff now though.) Mary is pregnant with Jesus, God's baby. We're told Joseph believes this because he saw an angel. If that's true, then ok, more power to him, but why should I believe it? I didn't see him seeing the angel, hell I don't even believe angels EXIST. So as far as I'm concerned the story of Jesus is impossible before it even starts. I can conclude right here that it never happened. Like if you told me about the time George Washington flew around like Superman, only nobody saw him but you. I wouldn't even need to give it any thought. I would know immediately that it never happened. You wouldn't have any evidence, and we know people can't just pick up and fly around like that. So why does all this religious stuff get a free pass? I don't know, it annoys me to no end though, all the stupid bullshit people believe.

Continuing on, we finally make it to the manager, and I'm skipping past so much, I know. I guess I'm worried about this being too long. Personally I love long posts. Writing and reading them, but I know not everyone does. I think it's already long but, well I can either edit it or do other articles on specific things and link to them. Jesus is born and everyone's happy. (Except the king because we need an antagonist to every story.) Jesus' life is well, far too detailed to skim over, I'll devote a full post to it, at another time. (May be a bit, I want to re-read all the relevant stuff first).

So here we are at Jesus' death. The story goes; Jesus died for our sins, paid the ultimate price, the ultimate expression of God's love to us. This is absolutely stupid, one of, if not the stupidest stories of all time. It doesn't hold up to one fraction of a second of thought. There are so many ways I could point this out. I think the simplest is the best:

God sacrifices himself, to himself, to force himself to forgive "sins" that we were born with, because Adam and Eve ate some fruit. It gets worse than that but it's already imbecilic enough as is. So the real question is, why couldn't God just forgive us, what did Jesus' death actually do? Well as a kid, I was told that when Jesus died on the cross he went to hell for 3 days, and had a boxing match with Satan. He won the match, and then we got the chance to go to heaven. (I swear this is what I was told, I'm not making this up. They even had a song about it and everything. )

So Jesus "dies" on the cross. I say "dies" because that's the word everyone uses. According to the story he never ceased to be or anything, it's not like for 3 days there wasn't a Jesus. He just went somewhere for 3 days, either heaven, hell, purgatory, or somewhere else.

Then he goes back to his body, it comes back to life, he shows people he's alive again, then he floats away. The way I see it, he didn't DIE. Death is nonexistence. Christians don't believe in death. (Well some do, but only for the unsaved). So when did he die? When he was on the cross? How is what he did a sacrifice? What did he sacrifice? His inferior human husk? The word death in the context of "Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that's the ultimate expression of love!" is… not accurate at all. It's some sort of vocabularial emotional manipulation. When we hear the word 'death", we naturally think of actual death. Ceasing to exist in any form. Here let me post the definition:

1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Compare brain death.
2. an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death.
3. the state of being dead: to lie still in death.
4. extinction; destruction: It will mean the death of our hopes.
5. manner of dying: a hero's death.
6. (usually initial capital letter ) the agent of death personified, usually represented as a man or a skeleton carrying a scythe. Compare Grim Reaper.
7. Also called spiritual death. loss or absence of spiritual life.
8. Christian Science . the false belief that life comes to an end.

Wow, I used both and, they both gave me the same results, so I'll go with them, oddly enough the "Christian Science" thing was on in both. I guess I'll get to that at another time. My point is, the definition we think of when we hear "death" doesn't apply to what happened to Jesus. I don't think any Christian would ever say it did. They would never say "When Jesus died on the cross it was the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions" since his body is apparently, not vital to his continued existence. Jesus, in the story, had no need for his human body. He had a better one waiting for him the second he was done with his human form. Then he jumped back into his body and did some more things.
Even if the story WAS true, it still makes no god damn sense. You would have to be an imbecile to believe this shit. (Yes I swore, get over it you alarmist Christian dunderheads, your fucking censorship makes me sick, but that's a topic for another day)

Sorry to be so harsh, I try to stay mellow and calm, but this story is… nonsense of the highest caliber. To believe the story is true, fuck, I just don't know how anyone could swallow it. One has to accept so many things that we know aren't true. We know people can't come back from the dead, especially from a cross execution. Do you know what HAPPENS when you're on a cross like that? Your lungs liquefy.

(While I was looking for some detailed data on what happens when you die, I found a Christian website. Yeah I know I should have expected it, but Christians are some of the dumbest fucking idiots. This shit gets me so missed off, maybe I'll do a rant on this website, I'm still looking for recurring features, maybe I can critique religious sites? I doubt I'd be able to stand it though.)

Anyway, here's what happens when you're crucified:
When the legs are relaxed, the person's weight is supported on the bones of the wrist pressing down on spikes between the bones of the forearm. This causes, forgive the expression, excruciating pain. When the victim can no longer endure it, he can't help trying to stand up. This tears through the tissues of his feet, and as he rises, his lacerated back scrapes along the rough wood of the cross.
The intense agony and the eventually open wounds lead to dehydration and terrible thirst.
The pleurum -- and possibly the lungs -- gradually fills with fluid, and eventually the heart is compressed.
As the victim weakens, his struggles lessen, and the accumulation of fluid accelerates until finally the heart cannot beat any longer or no longer has the strength to do so.
So his lungs were liquefied, his body was destroyed, unsalvageable. But I guess that just makes it a better miracle right? Ugh, I'll get to miracles later. I know I keep saying that but this is the first post. I can only do so much at a time yah know? I'm tired and dizzy and pissed off now. It seriously angers me how people can be so stupid. This is just the beginning. I hope you religious people stick with me, I know you won't, but I can't sugar coat this stuff. I can't stay passive. I can't, I seriously care to much. People ask me why I care, I don't know, I just, hate living in a world full of people that believe god damn ridiculous things.
'll probably edit this down the road, but I just want to put it up now, be done with it, for now anyway. I hope I inspired you to think. That's my goal here.