Basically the backstory is, I used to post on the GameFAQ's religion board. I'm not really planning on doing that much anymore, so I'll do it here. I'm not going to muck up the first post of the blog going on and on about this, but the rules for that forum aren't fair. They've admitted as much. Here's a quote from a high ranking GM:
Moderation Detail for Silver Screemer
Message detail:
But seriously, there isn't a god. That's why you can't find him. (This is the post that got me into trouble)
Moderation Information
Deleted: 9/5/2010 2:06:07 PM
Reason: Trolling
Status: Upheld by Lead - This moderation has been upheld by a Lead Moderator as a TOS violation. You may not appeal any additional moderations until this moderation clears from the system after 30 days.
Moderation Reason - Trolling
Trolling (Inciting Flames) - Messages intended solely to annoy and/or offend other users by going against the clear nature of a board, topic or chat room are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: provoking other users to respond with flames; provoking fans of a particular system or game, especially on boards or topics dedicated to that system or game; making misleading topic titles; asking obviously useless questions; posting false information as fact; and using another user's quote in your signature without permission.
Dispute Messages
You said:
What I said was 100% true, what's the problem here?
A Mod/Admin replied:
Its your opinion but you are stating it as fact and not backing up your claims with why you think there is no god. Plus saying there is no god on such a board like that is just provoking people.
You said:
So are people that say there defiantly IS a God, "trolling" to? I'm just curious.
A Mod/Admin replied:
If there was an atheist board and someone went there to make posts and topics stating flat-out that there *was* a god, then that'd be considered trolling, yes. If someone on the religion board posted saying there *was* a god, or if someone there just stated that they either believed or didn't believe in a god..? That would seem fine to me - the former is in keeping with the subject of the board, the latter is personal opinion. One kind of trolling is "going against the clear nature of a board," especially when you do so by insisting that your opinion is fact, or is more valid than anyone else's opinion, and even more so when you do so repeatedly on a board, even when it's been made clear by other users that you're annoying them.
Dispute Not Allowed
Ok so as you can see, the rules aren't fair. (I'll link to another post detailing the topic later, the link will be right here, when it's done)
Just for fun, let's see what got me a 7 day suspension. Must have been really horrible right?
Moderation Detail for Silver Screemer
Message detail:
You all know I'm a skeptic, but even I can't explain this miracle. It MUST have been divine intervention. Well here's the vid:
As you can in the video see, God clearly granted this kid his Shiny Ponyta, after only 25,968 tries.
Bless his holy name, God is love!
Moderation Information
Action: 7-Day Suspension - This message was deleted from the boards, there was a 15 karma point penalty, and the user's account was suspended for 7 days.
Reason: Trolling
Status: N/A - No user-initiated action has been taken on this moderation.
Moderation Reason - Trolling
Dispute Not Allowed
Anyway, these are just two of many. I'm not getting my account banned, because some mod has a chip on his shoulder for Jesus.
Sup, this is TheGreatJiraiya from this very board. Just wanted to say that I agree that its ridiculous that you got modded for saying there is no God. Its fallacious, but its not trolling.